280 Best Travel Trivia Questions and Answers

Think you’re a travel buff? How well do you know the world beyond your backyard? We’ve compiled the best list of travel-related trivia questions and answers to liven up your trivia nights with friends or make those long road trips more enjoyable.

These questions will take you on a global journey, quizzing your knowledge across the United States, Europe and beyond. Ready to test your travel IQ? Let’s dive in.

  • How big is Monaco?
    Answer: 2 km²

  • How long is the Great Wall of China?
    Answer: 21,196 km

  • How many capital cities does South Africa have?
    Answer: 3

  • How many countries still have a royal family?
    Answer: 43

  • How many Emirates does the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have?
    Answer: 7

  • How many floors are in the Empire State Building?
    Answer: 102

  • How many hours is the longest commercial flight?
    Answer: 18

  • How many islands does Australia have? – 53, 8,222 or 15,644?
    Answer: 8,222

  • How many islands does Spain have?
    Answer: 60 islands

  • How many stars does the United States of America flag have?
    Answer: 50

  • How many states start with the word, “new”?
    Answer: 4 (New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York)

  • How many Wonders of the World are there?
    Answer: 7

  • How tall is the Eiffel Tower (to tip)?
    Answer: 324 m

  • In the movie King Kong, Kong climbs what US building?
    Answer: Empires State Building

  • In what country would you find tapas?
    Answer: Spain

  • In what US city can you find the Golden Gate bridge?
    Answer: San Francisco

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